Vox Novus presents the World Premiere of Fifteen-Minutes-of-Fame: A Minute of Silence (but not soundlessness), Mirel Iancovici: solo cello-15 one-minute works by 15 composers: Rodriga Baggio, Laszlo Kékszakállú, David Morneau, Teodor Nicolau, Akmal Parwez, Ksenia Prasolova!, Leo Samama, Louis Sauter, Bob Siebert, Slawa Ulanowski, Jean-Pierre Vial, William Vollinger, Robert Weirauch, ChristopherM.Wicks, Margarita Zelenaia to be performed at het Bolwerck, Zaadmarkt 110 7201DE Zutphen Gelderland (gemeente Zutphen) for the International Cello Festival in Zutphen, Netherlands.
Fifteen-Minutes-of-Fame: A Minute of Silence (but not soundlessness)