
Iris Berman is a visual artist, photographer and poet. She has published locally in journals such as Nomad's Choir, Home Planet News, Park Slope Poetry Project's Errato, the Brownstone Poets 2007 Anthology, 2010 Anthology, Rogue Scholars, Stained Sheets and nationally in Song of the San Joaquin, Back Street Quarterly, White Rabbit, Now is A Verb, and Love Songs.
She has also published three chapbooks, "Motherlode", "The Little Book of Flowers" and "The Little Book of Fairy Tales and Love Poems." The last was published by Poets Wear Prada Press, Hoboken, NJ.
She has studied with Louise Gluck, William Packard, Barry Goldensohn, Charles Simic, and Maxine Kumin.
Her artwork has been shown locally in some solo and many group exhibitions. She has appeared at open mics and as a featured reader at many poetry venues throughout New York City.