
Roxanne Hoffman worked on Wall Street, now answers a patient hotline for a New York home healthcare provider and runs a small press, POETS WEAR PRADA. Her words can be found on and off the net in literary journals such as Amaze: The Cinquain Journal, Best Poem, Clockwise Cat, Danse Macabre, The Fib Review, Hospital Drive, Lucid Rhythms, MOBIUS: The Poetry Magazine, The Pedestal Magazine, and Shaking Like a Mountain; the indie flick Love and the Vampire; and in multiple anthologies including The Bandana Republic: A Literary Anthology by Gang Members and Their Affiliates (Soft Skull Press), Love After 70 (Wising Up Press), and most recently It All Changed in an Instant: More Six-Word Memoirs by Writers Famous & Obscure (Harper Perennial).