Seen Performance

Seen Performance is Esther m Palmer, David Morneau, + Shana McKay Burns.

We make performance, we do it through collaboration, and we do it in whatever discipline we need to. We experiment with different ways to collaborate across disciplines, creating work that may or may not fit within a traditional realm. Through the cooperation of ideas and techniques from our various art forms, we come up with new and innovative performance. Currently, we are choreographer, composer, and scenic designer.

As you might imagine, process -the why and the how of creative work- is a big deal to us. We think it's pretty cool. And we want to share what we go through to get to our performances. Working together as Seen Performance, we experiment with new techniques and methods that challenge each of us creatively. Our process of experimenting begins with research, discussion, and a willingness to explore unfamiliar territory. Our work together has become a call and response – and re-call and re-response. It is a process in which we are continually evaluating and revising each other’s work, our contributions, and the results, a whole that we strive to make greater than its parts.


Collaborations in Dance || 2010.09.24, 8:00 pm
Queens Dance underGROUND || 2009.06.05, 8:00 pm
Green Space Blooms 2009 || 2009.05.02, 8:00 pm
Seen Performance Anniversary || 2009.03.10, 8:00 pm
Art Festival on Pier 36 || 2008.09.23, 2:00 pm
